Saturday 20 June 2009

PopBang The Baby Dragon

It's N's birthday on Monday (as well as our wedding anniversary tomorrow - six years!). A full year since I got back in touch with my old uni friends at his party last year (thank you, Ste, you big pain in the butt :P ), and a full year since I made my very first Cthulhu amigurumi and DM character for him. It's been quite a year - rediscovering all sorts of things I'd forgotten and working quite hard to build things again in a forward direction. I think - and hope - this might well be my last nod to the past. It seems quite fitting that this innocent little character, which I created for a MUD we wrote together, should be that last hurrah. PopBang is a little baby dragon who used to wander round the MUD and randomly either give you a cookie, or throw up on you, saying "weeeeeeekkkk, too many cookies!!" , which iirc affected your hit points by healing or harming you. This of course may make no sense to most people as MUDs are really a thing of the past now and everyone has these shiny whizzy games with actual pictures now, for heaven's sake. Me, I still like the old dice 'n' pencils...

PopBang came up in conversation a few months ago and I immediately went on a hunt for a good baby dragon pattern, eventually finding this Baby Snow Dragon by MarjorieCrochets. Much kudos to Marjorie, it's a great pattern and fits together very nicely - highly recommended. It was almost exactly how I'd imagined him - but he had to be green, and he needed wings. I pinched the wings pattern from the Cthulhu in Creepy Cute Crochet, and modelled the cookies from Fimo, of course. What do you think? By now he'll have found his new home (I am writing this in advance for scheduled as the weekend's going to be hectic!), and I suspect there may be another one in the pipeline quite soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is adorable! If you are interested I am up in Liverpool next week for a couple of days to do some client visits in the NW. Email/Facebook me if you fancy meeting up finally and getting a coffee.