Firstly, the sad news that our beloved moggy Tomsk passed away this weekend. He was just 11 and it's been a big shock to us all; he'd been recovering well from his bladder problems but took a turn for the worse on Saturday. We got him to the vet in plenty of time, but sadly his poor little heart couldn't take the strain of the operation. We were able to go and say goodbye; his last hours with us were spent snoozing in the sunshine. Thank you to everyone on Facebook and Twitter for so many kind words, it means a lot. He was a big old soppy daft fool of a cat; always kind and very popular with visiting children because he was so patient. We called him "our bear of very little brain" and he was rather Pooh-like in his innocence and gentle nature (although he certainly knew how to work those great big eyes like Puss In Boots from Shrek 2!). Even Ash, our grey cat, seems to be missing him, though they were never really friends - she is sleeping a great deal at the moment and being very affectionate when she's awake. Goodnight, sweetheart - I will always remember you trying to chase the snowflakes through the window, you daft old thing.
On to some crafty things: many thanks to Kirsty & Devin from Feline Dream for their immaculate timing - the parcels arrived safely today - and for their patience as we're going to be a few days late posting out due to all the happenings this weekend. I happened to look at their blog this morning and saw all the gorgeous wrapping - and amazingly the postman knocked just ten minutes later. Of course I had to wait until K was back from preschool before I could dive in!
A lovely card, Hello Kitty Pez and iron-on patches for clothes, cat stickers, bookmark, two great fridge magnets and a wooden cat mask. K says "It's lovely! I love everything!". Naturally the Pez are her favourite at the moment :rolleyes: but she's already given the magnets pride of place on the fridge and is brimming with ideas for which clothes to put the patches on and how to decorate the mask. So thank you very much from K!

How fab is that! Two mosaic coasters (which are backed with pink jaguar-print felt, no less), three sheets of big cat print felt, two packs of buttons, an origami card (I MUST get the instructions for that!), some paw-print stamped labels and a silver Scraperfoil. I haven't done one of those in yeeeeeaars...I think I will stash it safely away to do when Little Bump is napping (fingers crossed) and K is at preschool; I'm currently making a pile of books and small projects to do as I found it very helpful to have something for me that wasn't baby or housework when K was small.
Thank you so much to both of you and to Chrissy from I Love Spoilt Pig for organising - we are not too far behind on finishing our parcel so hopefully it'll be dispatched in the next few days.
Thank you so much to both of you and to Chrissy from I Love Spoilt Pig for organising - we are not too far behind on finishing our parcel so hopefully it'll be dispatched in the next few days.
Sooo Sorry to hear about Tomsk. Very sad indeed when you loose a beloved pet . . my thoughts are with you!
Fabulous cat swap tho . . wished I'd taken part now! :o)
Big hugs to you all and rest in peace Tomsk.
Such fantastic goodies. You are such lucky girlies!
You poor things, sooo sorry to hear about Tomsk.
Hugs to you all. Glad that you received some lovely goodies.
Your Tomsk sounded like a lovely soppy puss. Your description of his 'daftness'reminds me of my spoilt boy Tog. I'm so sorry that he's gone - good that you have plenty of fond memories though. And what a lovely parcel of feline gifts, I hope they cheered you up some. x
I am so sorry to hear about Tomsk i used to have a cat called the same though i rescued him with his name.... I am sending u huge hugs (((((X)))))......
Your parcell looked awesome, have fun with it all
love and hugs DonnaMarie XX
So sorry about Tomsk, it's so hard to lose a cat after so long.
Great swap items
Thank you for all your kind words. We are missing him so much...I keep thinking I can see him curled up somewhere or slinking round the sofa. Our other cat, Ash, is massively overcompensating with a million cuddles, though - she's taken to curling up alongside Little Bump when I lie down to do my hypnotherapy CD. I think I won't need the CD in labour, just her purring!
So sorry about your cat. I know exactly how it feels. They mean so much to us that losing them is like losing a close friend.
I just came across your post on a search for the name Tomsk as our Dog was called Tomsk. He also died recently and I blogged about him. I'm sorry about your Tomsk I bet he was a character too.
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