Friday 19 March 2010

Two Heads Are Better Than One

And suddenly, just like that, I'm crafting again.

Aren't they cute! Pattern is from Crochet in No Time, my favourite pattern book ever, and the yarn is Debbie Bliss Cashmerino. Turns out I needed to work with lovely materials again to get my mojo back...I do hate using acrylic all the time. All my commissions are finished (HUGE CHEER!), and although I plan to restock the shop with cakes, suns and my new stars, I'm going to just pace myself on that so I can get on with some fun stuff. Like, a stripy new jacket for Little Bump from the same book - K picked a gorgeous jewel-purple to go with the cream, and if I remember rightly I have some similarly purple clothes stashed away in the same size. And the Cat Swap, of course, and maybe even this Kid's Swap over at Adventures Of A Lady In Training - given that we kinda planted the seed for it...:D

Anyway, these two little hats are for a pair of Summer babies (so they're size 6mo, ready for the cool weather). The stripy one is for my own Little Bump - colours and stripes dictated by Big Sis - and the blue one with buttons is for my oldest friend over in Germany, whose first baby is due just four weeks after ours. And it's all from stash, too - the yarn from various other projects and the buttons all came in the lovely little jar I got in the Button Swap last year. Good, eh? I'm so pleased I had some of this blue in, it'll go very nicely with my new Moby sling.

Hmm. As I've been writing this I've had an idea for another hat...I wonder if I can adapt that pattern to have a wave stitch in it. There's a little yellow duck button in that glass jar which is just begging to be on baby clothes...


SpoiltPig Jewellery said...

aw they're so cute! Is that a little bunny button I spy too? adorable.

Caroline said...

It is indeed :D Just started work on another for yet another friend - this one will be the same pale blue with a green trim and a ladybird button.