Tuesday, 16 March 2010

I *really* love Bread & Jam!

ilovebreadandjam.com dress

Look at my gorgeous girl in her gorgeous new dress! Not one of mine, I hasten to add - my sewing skills are really not up to dressmaking right now, but if I could make something like this, I surely would. It is honestly my ideal dress for a little girl - plenty of room to run in, cool enough for summer and enough room for a top underneath in winter; not a faff to wash or iron, and best of all...just look at that fabric. Bright and feminine, but not a sign of baby pink, no slogans, just a perfect Little Girl Dress in simple-to-care for fabric. This is the Runaway Dress from www.ilovebreadandjam.com, who I discovered on Sunday via a tweet from Little Stuff (who you may remember featured some of my work last year). Actually I'm quite jealous cos I think they should make grown-up sizes in these too (particularly if there's space for Little Bump - so fed up of nothing fitting properly at the moment!).

Small girl is VERY happy. I can't see us parting her from this dress any time this week, and you know what? I think she may end up with several of these this year (and of course Little Bump will grow into them eventually!). The fabrics are fantastic and I love that they're limited runs rather than mass-produced - although I am slightly cheesed off that my favorite Japanese print is sold out, ho hum. K loved being able to look at the range of prints and choose her very own - this took her eye straight away, but she was keen to page through the swatches and work out which one she really wanted.

Delivery was super-fast - we ordered on Sunday and here it is today - with good communication. The quality is lovely; the fabric is crisp but soft, the stitching firm and the top half of the dress is nicely lined in the same contrasting fabric as is around the hem. It's fastened with a concealed zip up the side, the first time K has had one like this, so I don't know how she'll deal with putting it on herself - but I'm grateful that it's not fastened with the fiddly little buttons the high street shops seem to think are the bee's knees (do they not realise buttons catch on long hair and rip it out?).

I asked K for her opinion:
"I like it! I like the blue zip, and I can run around fast or slow, and I like the pattern and it's really comfy. I'm extremely happy and I'm twirling around!"
Can't give a better review than that, can you...:D

I have no real craft news, sorry. I have managed to finish a few more preordered bits and pieces, but I'm on my third play-through of Dragon Age and the expansion pack is out in the US today...it should be with me next week. I think my brain is starting to pack to come home from a rather extended vacation, though - on Sunday K and I designed and stitched our very own pattern on some Binca and she learned how to cross-stitch, at least a little (a cat, natch). Once I can work out a downloadable format, I'll put that up - I've noticed a real dearth of free patterns for Binca so perhaps I'll do some work on that; it's a great way to start sewing and helps those all-important fine motor skills. Whilst I don't yet have Gamer's Thumb, I have wrenched my shoulder a bit just from sleeping awkwardly so I'm pacing my return to "work" easily when it comes to crochet and sewing myself. Making patterns should avoid that!

Course, I probably shouldn't have joined the Cat Swap over at ilovespoiltpig.com...but I have these gorgeous amigurumi kitty patterns I've been dying to try out!


Laura (LittleStuff) said...

repeat after me "we LOVE Bread & Jam, we want Grown Up ones".

Your girl looks beautiful, by the way.

Chrissy said...


^See what your gorgeous girl has inspired :) I think this idea got off the ground after her interest in the cat swap!