Thursday 30 October 2008

Three more sleeps till opening

And honestly, I'm shattered. All the first batch of pre-orders are done - that's well over 50 crochet cakes in a couple of weeks - and stock is piling up nicely. I have half a dozen little girl crochet bags done, a heap of "Out And About Books" (what are they? find out on Saturday!) and some pencil rolls to be starting off with, and several other things starting to germinate (stop, stop, my head is spinning and I still have at least 75 cakes to make!).

Some half-term. Between demos and enrolments for January, and all of the above, the last weekend in Wales seems like light years away already. I need a thoroughly good wind-down and quite possibly a mooch around Abakhan; I'm dying to try out Spoonflower but can't stay awake long enough to figure out The Gimp and get something workable going on.

Back to the sewing machine tomorrow...

Edited to add: what the hell. 30mins with The Gimp and $7 later, a swatch of my very own fabric design is on the way. It's probably rubbish because let's face it, it's 2am and I know sod all about drawing, let alone fabric design, but I just want to see how it comes out, damnit.

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