Friday, 2 May 2008

Felty fun

Pic tomorrow, with any luck, but this week I've made my first proper crochet bag (it just wants some buttons and fixings stitching on, bear with me). The Eco-wool has come up beautifully - it was lovely to work with and has felted very nicely indeed just on a 40oC wash. It's just enough to make it strong and soft without losing the stitch definition, and the tweeding looks great, I think. It's just big enough to fling purse/phone/keys and a few other bits and pieces into - felting it didn't sacrifice much in the way of size, which was a relief. Certainly one to make a few of as gifts or for sale, I think!

I've spent this evening stitching stars onto a pre-made drawstring bag for class tomorrow - my Stage 2s get an extra props bag to go with the signs of the week and I wanted something nicer than the small pillowcase I used last term. It looks pretty funky and has soft wool tassles on the bottom - texture is so important for little kids.

Speaking of, I've also been doing some applique for K. She has been having some problems with her temper and frustration this week - she's not a particularly terrible two, but I'd rather she didn't take it out on living creatures (including me). So we bought a nice "hitting cushion" together on Thursday morning and she chose all the felt and thread and sequins to make the word BANG! on it. It looks pretty neat and she loves it.

In the post this week: ten balls of violet Debbie Bliss Cotton Angora to make a shrug for myself with, three balls of mint-green Cashmerino DK for a hat for K and a pair of baby Mary Janes and a ball of teal in the same to do more Mary Janes. Just right for little feet come kinda sucks when you first have a baby because everyone buys teeny little clothes and you then have to go shopping with a grouchy 2-4mo when they grow out of the first lot. So I try and make anything for babies at least a size bigger than newborn and try to tailor it to the season later, too.

1 comment:

Ann-Marie Dewhurst said...

I think we all need a bang cushion! Te he!