Friday, 29 December 2006

MIL's xmas present

May be dodgy quality, these mother-in-law quite often asks me to make her a piece of jewellery. For her birthday I made some earrings. They were really easy to do - if you have a wire jig, of course. For xmas she decided she wanted a necklace to match, so here are the matching pieces.

I suck at taking pictures of jewellery - I never get the focus right. Anyway, the necklace has the same motif as the central dropper, and the chain is made of individual repeating pieces all linked together in what I believe is knowns as "rosary style". I really like making necklaces like this as you can shorten or lengthen them for the wearer very easily. Not the easiest thing to do, though - you really have to make sure all the pieces are lying in plane with each other or it won't lie right around the neck. One day I'd like to make a really long necklace like this for myself, but I don't think that'll be until I can guarantee little hands aren't going to snatch it off in a shower of beads...

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