Monday, 14 February 2011

Happy Valentine's - an accidental free pattern for you!

And it is a very happy Valentine's - my little sis got engaged today. Awwwww!

Hokay, cut to the chase, woman - I have a new free pattern for you to download, which has happened rather by accident! I organised a Secret Valentine's Swap on a parenting forum and this is what I made - a custom-fit gadget pouch. This came about solely because when I was wondering what to make I noticed my recipient updated her Facebook status using a BlackBerry. It being Valentine's, it's heart-themed, but you could decorate it however you like, of course! It's easy-peasy and you can have it done in an evening (or a train journey or whatever); requires no sewing up and nothing more than ordinary acrylic and a lovely button.

This one's designed for a BlackBerry, as you can see, but since it's a custom-fit you can make it for anything - as long as you know the rough measurement across the bottom, it's easy to scale up or down however you like. I'm currently making myself a stripy one for my Kindle! It's made in the round, which gives a smooth pouch easy to embroider or embellish on, and the flap is ribbed. Mine here is finished with a picot edging but you could finish it any way you like; crab stitch would be good for a plainer look.

This particular pouch is decorated with hearts - I'm not sure where I got the button from but I've had a pair lurking for ages, looking for the perfect project. I ran across these hearts on Little Birdie Secret and they were just perfect to go on the back - I used three because in the Tarot, one of the interpretations of the Three of Cups (which is equivalent to Hearts in a playing card deck) is joy in friendship. The lady I made it for, though we've never met, has always been helpful, kind and reassuring, and I value her wisdom, so I'm really pleased I've been able to show a little bit of gratitude in this way.

Give it a go - and drop me a line if you do! As ever, any problems with the pattern just give me a shout. You'll find it linked above, or on the Free Patterns Page.

1 comment:

Nic :) said...

Super Super Supre Cute Pattern!
And congrats to your sister! :D
Getting engaged is a wonderful feeling! x