Friday 8 January 2010

Thursday Night Check-In

Crafteroo are running special threads on a Thursday night at the moment - one for specific projects and one as a check-in for big works-in-progress. As I mentioned in my last post, I've been trying to get my head around how I'm going to organise the amount of work I have to do vs the amount of stuff I want to do for myself, and I decided I could use these ideas to keep me on track. In an ass-backwards way, of course, cos that's the kinda gal I am.

So for most of the week I'll be concentrating on the big stack of commissions which need doing - I've got really behind with those because of Little Bump's making me so tired. Unfortunately until they're done I'll need to spend five or six nights a week on them, so I'm afraid there won't be as many random "I made this!" posts for a while.

To keep me sane, and to ward off crochet-induced RSI, I've decided to use Thursday nights as "project for me" nights. I've chosen a new cross-stitch from my rather ridiculous stash. This is the Heritage Crafts kit of John Clayton's Owl In Flight, which you can see here (2nd row down). I got this kit with the gift tokens I was given when I left work on maternity leave with K, over four years ago, so it's time it got done, really! I made a start over Christmas when all the gifts were done, and this is what I managed over the holidays:

Quite a few night's work in there, which doesn't look like much, but you should be able to make out the right side of the owl's head.

Last night's progress:

Just look at the detailing on those feathers! I filled in a lot of the lower wing and some of the sky. So far this measures 10x8cm - the whole image is 34x34cm so I have a looooooong way to go yet. But it's nice to get back in to cross-stitch after all this time; it's not as quick or easy as crochet (I find it takes a lot more concentration and I've had to do a lot of unpicking already!) but it's just as rewarding.

1 comment:

Jane said...

This is a beautiful deisign, you'll love it when it is finished. Enjoy stitching it