Apologies for the lighting, it was an awful rainy day and I was in quite a rush to get it fixed for her. Once you've drawn your pic, you fix it with a hot iron and hopefully it stays on through the wash. If it starts to fade I'll embroider it, I think. This was such a ridiculously fun and quick project I'd recommend it to anyone - although with the caveat that t-shirt material is quite hard to draw on, so perhaps linen bags or somesuch might be better. I'd love to let her go crazy with a duvet cover or something - wouldn't that be great?!
This week I have been doing almost nothing but crocheting Mr Suns and cakes until I'm blue in the face...my deadline is 10th Oct and I'm really starting to fret now, not only about getting everything done but also fitting in the 80's Fantasy Film Swap and the Button Jewellery Swap. I'm now back into the full swing of this term's classes (squeeee, gorgeous new babies!!), A's back at college, and not only is K back at preschool and gymastics but her name has finally come to the top of the list for swimming lessons, so we've got that to crowbar in from next week as well. I am knackered already - but in amongst all this I'm finding some real peace in the very simple act of making bread a couple of times a week. It's appreciated so much and I love the rhythm of it. Oh, and my plum jam is delish!
Tomorrow is bread day and I'm thinking of putting aside the orders for the morning and concentrating on the button swap for a bit - I'm quite clear on everything I want to make and have all the bits and pieces for it (we went treasure-hunting on Monday afternoon!), it's just a case of fitting it all in. Wish me luck...
Thats so sweet and simple
that is soo great! I love children's drawings...
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