Saturday, 1 August 2009

Zombie Flowers and Giant Cakes

I can't help giggling at the latest entry on Dudecraft (which is an excellent blog, do take a look); an interview with the author of the gorgeous-looking Kanzashi in Bloom: 20 Simple Fold-And-Sew Projects to Wear and Give

Not many could get away with combining zombie apocolypse with fabric flowers. I'm a bit off sewing at the moment but I have a feeling this book might get me right back into it. Anyway, it's on my wishlist...with the summer holidays looming - like a zombie apocolypse, you might say, and our main getaway already over, I've allowed myself the luxury of a book about a craft I haven't tried before.

Bookbinding is something I've always wanted to learn and I've two years' worth of K's journal printed out and decorated, so I have something to practice on, too. This book is on the reading list for this month at the Woolly Wotnots Book Club, which is almost certainly going to lead me even further astray (I really must work out how to order books from the library!). I was really pleased to have one of my little bags featured on Woollywotnot's Pink Friday post this week too! Lots of lovely stuff there even for a virulent pink-hater like me.

So that's what I'm hoping to be doing over the hols but of course what I should be doing is completing orders and prototyping for Christmas. Urgh. Seems an awfully long way off but hey ho, it's off to Hobbycraft today for brightly coloured yarns (never a particular hardship!). I finally mananged to get a set of enlarged cakes finished, which I'm really happy with:

So plenty more of those to be done, more suns and a baby cardigan to be sent to New never rains but it pours...!


Paul Overton said...

Thanks so much for the DudeCrafT link! Glad you enjoyed the interview!

woollywotnots said...

Oooo looking forward to hearing your book review. :-) Great to have you joining in the woollywotnots bookclub :-) We'll definitely do all we can to lead you astray ;-) I bet Span1 will be able to advise you on ordering books over on the forum.

Anonymous said...

One day I would love to learn how ot make books. Looking forward to seeing if the book is any good. You are making me hungry!