Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Just too cute

A real 0-60mph project here:

I saw a thread on Crafter..oo just over half an hour ago, linking to this wonderful Mollie Flowers Tutorial at the ever-inspirational Roman Sock blog. No sooner had I thought "That's cute, I must have a go at that" than I found my hands had already extracted a hook and two balls of yarn and were merrily crocheting away. I remembered there was a stray hairclip on my bedside table I'd been meaning to put in K's room for weeks and as soon as it was finished I sprinted upstairs and assembled it. 15mins flat to make and 15mins faffing about getting a photo, ho hum.

K likes it so much she's asked me to find the matching red hairclip to make her a pair, and a further two pairs as gifts for her friends A and J on Thursday. I don't even know if we've got any spare clips in...! I'm really keen to try this again in all sorts of media from yarn to embroidery thread to wire - watch this space, I guess!

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