Saturday, 20 December 2008

Back in the mists of time...

...before Christmas, before Seawood Designs, before my life was entirely taken over by small fluffy cakes, there was a time when I made amigurumi for fun (and actually I do currently have an Evil Necromancer on the hook at the moment but I'm slightly stumped by his hair so you'll have to wait for that).

As the cake virus grew in my brain, I figured there was time for one last ami before diving into the work...

...but wait, I hear you say. That IS a cake. A two-tier American-style cake, no less, with little pink flowers on.

It is, yes. But just one minute. That cake is...shaking. Hear that unearthly sound and grab your few remaining San Points as the top shudders off to reveal...


Now what more could you possibly want? A great Elder God erupting from your cake has to be the Best Gift Ever. Well. Maybe for someone you really dislike. Actually this now belongs to my 3yo daughter and I'm not 100% sure whether I should be giggling insanely or sobbing to hear phrases drifting from the living room such as "Aaaww. Night night Cufoolu. He's going to sleep in his cake, awww. Sssh Daddy, Cufoolu's asleep. OH! He's AWAKE!! BRLRLRBRRL!!!!" as she then proceeds to eat your face with the tentacles...

The cake is entirely my pattern and is made in one piece apart from the top; the Cthulhu is not-quite-canon from Creepy Cute (he has a much fatter bottom) and I owe thanks to Amber over at Cthulhu Crochet & Cousins for the tentacles examples. It deserves some better photos but that's all I could manage before madam claimed him for her own.

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