Sunday, 24 August 2008

Seawood Designs

How excited am I - here is the logo for my Etsy shop, where I'll be selling all sorts of handmade things (just in time for Christmas). I plan to launch sometime in the next six weeks, so watch this space and bookmark the shop now!

Very excited. I love all this set-up stuff - designing stationary, putting spreadsheets together - I've really got the "own business" bug! I had loads of fun making the logo; it's hand-painted with a Chinese calligraphy brush and then digitised (much help from A, huge thanks).

In the next week I'll be sending out some samples of three of my newer designs to friends for destruction-testing, in the meantime I'll probably list some of my older jewellery stock to get myself going and then some of the bigger crochet items which are almost complete now. All in all I hope to be running properly by'll be a pretty eclectic mix of whatever takes my fancy until I find my feet with it.

Of course the biggest challenge is not to get everything finished, but to suddenly become an excellent photographer...


Songbird Mama said...

I really like your logo!

Caroline said...

Thank you! I'm really quite chuffed with it - it's scaling beautifully for small shop tags and labels and so on.

You have some fab photos on yours - and a very very cute puppy :)