Monday, 28 July 2008

Calling Joss Whedon...

What do you mean, you don't know who Joss Whedon is?? Good grief. Our DVD shelves are absolutely lined with his stuff: creator of Buffy, Angel and Firefly, to name but a few. Absolutely fantastic telly, plus films and comic books to boot. I can't wait to see Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog (when I can get bloody iTunes to work properly, grrr).

Anyway, Joss did an interview with Wired recently about Dr Horrible, and the following little exchange has caused a right (good-natured) rumpus in the "crocheting community": To what do you attribute the far-flung coverage and buzz about Dr. Horrible, considering there's been little to no press for the series?

Whedon: Fact is, there's been some buzz, but it hasn't reached the places it would normally. Where's our write-up in Crocheting Monthly? (I did a very sexy shoot for that one.)

It's a throw-away comment, but actually a lot of crocheters are really big fans, so the site Crochet Me is now campaigning to get an interview. Loads of people have made the famous Jayne Cobb Hat (a ridiculous orange thing with ear flaps), and the Crochet Me site says, "Holy crap, have you seen Geek Central Station?" Visit this Storque interview to see the amazing Firefly cast amigurumi.

I love Joss's stuff. Even though I must have seen Buffy about a million times (I am not kidding), it always makes me laugh; even the darkest episodes leave me feeling better. And it's brilliant background to a heavy crafting session.

We're off and away to the seaside at the end of this week, and I was planning to take the insanely large balls of Sirdar YoYo to make a start on my blanket cardigan for winter. But I'm thinking a few balls of amigurumi yarn might sneak in there as well...after all, I've got all this silver Fimo to use up, and it'd make a cracking sword for Buffy...

In other news I'm working on bits and pieces which are Etsy-bound, and a looooong piece of trim to go on a black skirt. It's got bells on. Over 100, to be exact. It's probably a little silly but I love the idea of it!


Anonymous said...

Dr Horrible is awesome. Annoyingly some people want him to change the end to soemthing more upbeat (americans :p), but I think it is great as it is. I can't for the DVD to ome out as it has a commentary that is sung which sounds very cool! Have started reading the Angel and Spike After the Fall comics written by Joss which pick up after Season 5.

Caroline said...

Ooh, do let me know what you think of them. I read "Those Left Behind" the other night - bridging from the Firefly series to Serenity. Actually I've had it for a couple of years but have sort of been too nervous to read it in case it wasn't any good...I should know better. Really explained a few things I hadn't quite known about the film. I also think I put off reading it because I didn't want to stop believing there might be more Firefly...:(

Tara said...

Hi! Since you're a Whedon lover and a crafter, we figured we'd let you know we're doing a Holiday Ornament Swap with a Whedon theme! Please join if you're interested @