Since K ditched the nappies a few weeks ago, the clothies bucket has become redundant - and therefore an ugly waste of space and also far too light to hold open her door. So the planned doorstop was brought forwardrapidly and here it is! I am really pleased with how it came together; I haven't machine-sewed anything 3D before and was very concerned about how the corners would match up and whether I could get the handle on right. Which I did, surprisingly, with only one mistake of stitching wrong side to right side instead of RS to RS. But that was easily unpicked and rectified, so I'm rather proud of the whole thing.

The embroidery and buttons were fun to do - I hadn't planned on putting leaves on but once stitched, it really needed something at the base of the daisies so I swiped these leaf sequins from K's collage box whilst she was napping. She didn't mind! She chose where to put the ladybird on each side, which she loved doing. I loooove these little ladybirds, they're so tiny! I think I'll have to get some more for stash.

And here it is in situ. It's filled with grain (rice, and er, cous cous and polenta cos that's what I had in the cupboard that wasn't being used!), and fibrefill stuffing so that it's not too heavy for her to move. Naturally it's covered in cat hair already; but it is appreciated and useful, so I'm happy. I can't decide whether it's fine as it is or if it needs some little butterfly buttons as well, though...

1 comment:
Very sweet doorstop! Fabby. Finally getting round to adding a link to your blog from mine...
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