Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Death Becomes Her

How cool is this little dude? This Grim Reaper amigurumi is from Creepy Cute Crochet: Zombies, Ninjas, Robots, and More, a fab book I came across through Craftster's Crochet forum a fortnight ago. Since the book arrived last Tuesday (on my birthday!) I've made three and have another in progress; however, they are all gifts! This little guy is for Angela and thankfully it's not a birthday or surprise so I can show him off. I think he is a very sad - or resigned - Death...more like Munch's The Scream than an evil Grim Reaper. Oh well.

I am rather irritated that four out of the last five completed projects have all been secret gifts so I haven't been able to publish them here yet just in case (not that I think any of the recipients are reading this but you never know). I will be making a lot of these, though, the book is absolutely bristling with post-it notes of requests, plus a few notes of my own ideas for adapting some to my designs.

In the meantime, I've spent today with my sewing machine - K did a little painting and then surprisingly took herself off for a nap mid-afternoon, so I've finally been able to make some progress on the doorstop for her bedroom. The majority of it is together now and all the embroidery and buttons are on, I'm just having a break from tacking on the top panel and the handle before stitching it all up and filling it with rice. It's a good job we still buy in bulk from the Chinese supermarket as I think it will take a good kilo or so!

My shrug is languishing...thankfully I just have one more thing to make to a deadline and then I can get back to it, cos I'd really quite like to have it ready for a party in a few weeks. Mind, I have no idea what's in my wardrobe which will go with that particular shade of purple so it may all be academic...


Anonymous said...

Love it! I am sorry for not commenting lately, I have been reading your posts and looking at all your lovely creations though I just wasn't able to leave messages here so am trying again *fingers crossed* Hope you are well, speak to you soon. Oh and yay for Derren Brown!

Caroline said...

No worries, nice to see you again :)

You would *love* this book, so many fab projects...can you crochet at all?