Monday, 7 April 2008

Well, would you look at that...

Last night I complained vociferously about my ineptness with the digital camera, and for my sins received a brief lecture on the importance of natural, diffuse lighting, over-reliance on the flash, laziness and my ingrained habit of rushing absolutely everything.


Determined to prove my better half wrong, I took the embroidered bag I finished last night (another DMC Linea project - quick, cheerful, and I don't have the faintest idea what I'll do with it, but it was fun!), found said natural lighting - not easy in this house - set K with with some snipping and actually took some time over this photo. So there!

I still think I neeeeeeeeeed a new digital SLR camera for my birthday, though. AHAHAAHA, yeah.


Andrew Wood said...

I believe that you actually proved me right, dear. :)

Caroline said...

I proved THEM!

No, what I meant was sort of garbled, but trying to prove you wrong that I was lazy...

...ok, I am lazy, that's why all my projects are kludge/bodge/hackfests (you want to see the bag I've been working on this afternoon, thank god the lining will hide most of it!).