Thursday, 13 September 2007

I think I'm in love

Much kudos to Debbie Cripps again for super-fast delivery - no sooner do I think "shishas" than they're on my doorstep. This time I ordered the "real thing" rather than the cheat version - proper mirrored glass pieces, diamond shapes, and three skeins of Rajmahal Art Silk. Which is just gorgeous, such vivid colours and it feels wonderful. It's not silk - says "viscose stranded" on the pack - but it's soft as anything. Better still, there wasn't a colour pallette on the site so I had to choose the colours blind, and shade no 256 ("hot plum") is the exact colour of the red pashmina I bought a few days ago. I also bought "vermillion" and "wheat gold", which I think I'll use on the black pashmina I have squirrelled away. So these, with the silver square sequins I bought, should look really lovely.

Fast delivery award also to Fred Aldous - three squares and a rectangle of silk should give me plenty to play with; I have in my head to make Tarot deck wraps out of these squares if they're big enough.

Been to the library again today and borrowed Hamlyn Craft School: Over 80 Step-by-step Craft Projects (Art & Craft) (now I'm interested in decoupage - what?!) and Drawing (Teach Yourself) because I woke up with the most gorgeous silk-painted pictures in my head the other day and damn me but I will never be able to get these images out of my head and into any kind of medium unless I do something about my crummy drawing skills. Yes, we have some books about drawing already but they're not really mine and tbh they're a bit intimidating.

The Numbers mobile is finished, too - actually completed on Tuesday night but not in situ yet. K has pronounced it "oooh, luverly!", so I feel happy.

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