Monday 30 June 2008

Last Pictures

No, not forever, silly. But at last I have ordered my new camera - a Canon IXUS 80 IS in Caramel. I can't wait for it to arrive - it's been so hard not being able to take my camera outside or in a bag for fear of losing the batteries. So these are probably the last shots with my old Minolta, poor thing. I even got a freebie case thrown in.

I do read other blogs from time to time - notably Soulemama who always seems so cheerful (and good god, I really want her book The Creative Family- it's top of the list after Crochet in No Time). I suspect that has something to do with her seemingly endless supply of sunshine, something we've been in desperate need of for the last few weeks. Honestly, it has done nothing but rain and rain and rain here; there's a reason the place is sometimes referred to as "Sunny D", with a big roll of the eyes. My poor butternut-squash-and-peas pot is just swimming - it appears to have no drainage at all and the compost has become the consistency of cheap hair gel. The peas appear to be thriving all over the garden of those another day, but we did have fun staking and tying everything in the first sunlight for a fortnight this afternoon. I'd forgotten how fleshy pea plants are...a strangely pleasurable job.

Anyway, Amanda recently did a "ten things I'm loving right now" post, and since I'm generally a glass-half-empty sort of person at the best of times, I thought I'd try and get a few happy things in here to honour my old camera on its deathbed. I was also interested in Joleo's post about what makes a good blog - not sure I agree with all the points but I do know that due to my glass-half-empty outlook all this is probably a bit 2D. Whatever. Have some piccies...

Butterflies. On Monday I suggested we bake, a favourite crap-weather activity, and K insisted that not only did we HAVE to bake butterfly biscuits, but that she absolutely needed to wear her butterfly wings to do so. Here they are mid-flight from cutter to oven to plate.

One of the four sunflowers in the fantastic bouquet my lovely sister and K brought me on Wednesday after class. I'm very rarely given flowers and our house doesn't have much in the way of natural light so potted plants don't last long. These are beautiful, thank you both.

K, completely and utterly absorbed in the garage Daddy built for her at Christmas. Just so peaceful, babbling away to herself about the mini she and B had played with when they were visiting from NZ, and leaving me some desperately-wanted time to start on this...

The Star Afghan. It made me very happy at this size because it worked up so fast; now that I'm on the 20th or so round it's going veeeeeeeeeery slooooooowly. I've started another little top/dress thing project and decided to just take the Starghan one round at a time for now. K loves it, however, and cuddles it every time I have it out to work on.

An alien in the knicker drawer. K loves the story Aliens Love Underpants! so I thought it would tickle her to find one in her knicker drawer just like the end of the story. I wish I'd had a picture of her face - this is from later on - but she was just about to go into a complete turbo-tantrum over getting dressed when I told her that she HAD to choose her clothes now, please. She wrenched open the drawer with as much attitude as a 14yo and this cute little thing stopped her right in her tracks. She had the giggles for ages afterwards and couldn't wait to show her dad.

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