Tuesday, 31 July 2007


Not had that much of a crafty time, recently - the lead-up to doing the
Bump & Beyond Show for Sing and Sign was so busy and stressful I've not fitted much in (other than designing posters for it!). As ever when my hand-outlet is blocked, my brain starts teeming with project ideas and of course I went and made the mistake of raiding the craft shelves at the library a couple of weeks ago too. I think I would very much like to take up crochet for xmas; if I go buying anything now I'll never get anything else done. There is a brilliant crochet messenger bag in one of these books, and I really want to be able to make crochet flowers and the like.

Row of Fairies is almost complete - half a fairy, a mushroom, a flower and the stars/beading to go, and it looks lovely. I think I will have to get this professionally finished as it's an odd size. Framing is something which baffles the hell out of me but I MUST do some soon - not a single piece of my work is on the walls, which sucks.

I am desperate to get my sewing machine out now, and get some silk on a frame to play with, but it's requiring a top-to-bottom house declutter in order to get the space to do it in. The more clutter I shift, the more seems to appear; it's incredibly frustrating. We've got rid of SO much recently and I STILL can't get into the cupboard under the stairs. I even *SHOCK* decluttered the bottom of my bureau the other day and it's still heaving! I must take a pic of all my stuff as it's rather silly.

K is very interested in the weather at the moment and I plan to make her a little wall hanging with various pictures on velcro so she can move them around etc. Actually I'd like to make her a full calendar as she's very into words and numbers at the moment; this is a much bigger project. And I haven't started designing the lai si for the wedding yet either...

Almost forgot - we DID do something crafty this week! V.pleased as this is using up leftovers of card from K's scrapbook and from the latch-hook rug I made for her room whilst I was pregnant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe that lion mask is very sweet. I bet K loves it. I need to have a mjor declutter but am putting it off still. Would love to see a photo of your mess, I mean stuff, to make me feel a little better for the stuff I have!